Day: July 28, 2021

Byte Aligners Dental Appliance

Byte Aligners is the best known completely invisible dental appliance . Composed of a set of custom aligners, the Invisalign orthodontic treatment is extremely comfortable for the patient.

Due to the fact that the aligners are removable, the treatment does not bring changes in the diet or in the hygiene routine. In addition, it does not produce any change in the patient’s social life, he can give up the device at any key moment, from meetings, conferences to special events in his life. Being made of a transparent material, the aligners are almost invisible.

Because the set of splints must be removed when the patient wants to eat, Invisalign is also the ideal choice for the little ones, helping them to have a healthy lifestyle and give up unhealthy snacks. 

Advantages / Benefits

  • It is completely invisible due to the aligners made of a transparent material, so no one will notice that you are wearing braces.
  • It does not cause pain or discomfort due to the fact that it has no brackets or wires – there is only a small pressure when changing each set of aligners
  • The aligners change at home, without having to go to the activation of the dental appliance at the orthodontist, so the dental appliance can also be used in remote orthodontic treatments
  • Rarely visits to the orthodontist, the control being done at 6-8 weeks or even 3 months
  • It is 100% customized and works throughout its duration, compared to classic devices that only work in the first two weeks after activation.
  • Apply small but low forces, thus protecting the teeth from sudden movements and moving them constantly
  • You can eat anything when you’re not wearing gutters
  • It does not change the sanitation routine

Tips and recommendations

For visible results, wear at least 22 hours a day, including at night.

Do not consume colored drinks because you will risk coloring the aligners.

Clean the aligners each time before putting them on.

After eating, always brush your teeth before putting on your braces. If you don’t, you risk cavities.

If you feel that salivation is abundant, do not worry, it is normal at first.

Do not use toothpaste to clean aligners, but soap 

Always keep the sets of Byte Aligners you have already worn

Always keep the current set of aligners in the box you received in the package

How do teeth straighten the invisible braces, Byte Aligners?

Unlike conventional orthodontic treatments, Invisalign uses an innovative technology that allows the correction of teeth and the treatment of incorrect occlusion conditions, in children and adults, through a series of transparent removable aligners. With the help of ClinCheck, the 3D virtual treatment plan, the patient will see from the beginning what his smile will look like at the end of the treatment (and how it will change from day to day), even before starting the actual treatment.

Each set of aligners or splints should be worn for two weeks (in some cases 3 weeks, depending on your doctor’s recommendations). As the sets of aligners are changed, your teeth migrate from day to day to the final position in the treatment plan. Aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours / day for fast results. 

It is not necessary to activate the dental appliance as it happens in the case of dental braces, because Invisalign works continuously, 24 hours a day, applying gentle forces on the teeth to bring them into the correct position. Thus, visits to the orthodontist are rarer, at 6-8 weeks or even 3 months for patients living abroad (being recommended for remote orthodontic treatment) versus the classic one that requires monthly monitoring.

As Invisalign aligners can be removed at any time of the day, the patient can eat whatever he wants, just as he did before starting orthodontic treatment, unlike braces where there are many dietary restrictions.

Being removable it does not produce any change in the routine of oral hygiene and, most importantly, is that the patient can remove the device on any special occasion such as weddings or important meetings, so social life remains the same. Of course, with the difference that the patient will be more confident.

The Invisalign system offers the easiest method of straightening teeth, it is comfortable, invisible and removable, so it does not produce any change in the hygiene routine or in the diet, as it happens in the case of classic Byte Aligners with brackets.

How Useful Are Byte Aligners?

Aligners are the new trend in adult teeth straightening. The invisible plastic rails are now significantly cheaper – and everything runs digitally. Do-it-yourself orthodontics without doctor contact is also possible, but problematic.

This is what it’s about:

Plastic splints promise a bright smile

They are called “DrSmile”, “SmileDirectClub” or “Byte Aligners”: companies that break new ground when it comes to straightening teeth. Since the patent for the invisible plastic rails expired in the USA , a lot has been happening in the market. The so-called aligners are now available for less than € 2,000 instead of € 5,000 to € 7,000 before. The splints are pushed over the entire row of teeth and should only be taken out for eating, i.e. worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. You switch to the next rail about every two weeks. The companies address a young target group – online-savvy, oriented towards aesthetics and modern methods.

Sometimes patients do everything themselves – a “do-it-yourself orthodontics”

An appointment is made online with the German market leader DrSmile (eight locations, more than 3,000 treatments in 2018). Then the teeth are digitally scanned. After an orthodontic examination, the patients receive all splints at once, including the stabilizing splint (retainer), from a dentist or orthodontist. If the patients send a selfie every week and answer technical questions, there is a guarantee that the treatment will be successful. Other companies don’t even see their customers. You send a set for the self-impression and then the splints – without a dentist. The pioneer of this do-it-yourself orthodontics was the “SmileDirectClub” in the USA. There were several legal disputes there, but the model came to Europe in 2016 and to Germany in 2017.

Is that still medicine?

Official dentistry is outraged. After all, the newcomers saw a very lucrative business model. The German Dental Association argues above all from a legal point of view: According to the Dentistry Act, the “patient-specific planning and manufacture of aligners” is the practice of dentistry and is therefore reserved for dentists “to protect the patient”. The “detection and treatment of tooth, mouth and jaw diseases” is Byte Aligners unsuitable for self-treatment. Commercial providers could therefore “possibly even carry out a punishable healing treatment “- in the case of complications it is physical harm. From a medical point of view, the German Dental Association states that orthodontic movement of teeth sometimes involves strong forces, which is why “continuous monitoring by a dentist” is necessary.

Tooth aligners in themselves are not risky. However, if the condition of the teeth is not medically assessed before and during treatment, tooth decay, inflammation, or problems with crooked teeth may be overlooked. In addition, aligners are usually not suitable for severe bad bites, for temporomandibular joint problems or for bridges and implants.

Straight teeth are in demand, but probably too many are already being treated

The new providers want to expand the market for braces. The German Society for Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO) is assuming growing demand, especially among adults. But experts are already criticizing an oversupply, as probably around half of all children and adolescents are treated with braces. And the Federal Audit Office criticized in 2018 that the benefits of orthodontic treatment had not been adequately researched. This was already criticized in 2001 by the Advisory Council in Health Care and in 2008 by DIMDI, Byte Aligners a subordinate authority of the Federal Ministry of Health.  The Federal Ministry of Health is currently discussing “the need for further research and further recommendations for action with the organizations involved”.

The Byte-Aligner

First of all, get to know it properly In

theory, of course, because in practice you get to know the Elasto-Aligner, (i.e. eleiner) more with your teeth and in your mouth.

It got its name from America. Translated, it should actually be called “aligner” because it can be used to straighten teeth.

The Elasto-Aligner looks like a boxer protection: only one part encloses the rows of teeth in the upper and lower jaw. This is why the Elasto-Aligner works particularly well when the teeth are bitten together like when chewing gum .

The name Aligners stands for the material from which the Byte Aligners is made. It is a highly elastic silicone that feels like rubber and is biologically harmless. It does not cause allergies, is totally tasteless and easy to clean.

These are some of the advantages of the Elasto-Aligner, but there are more: the silicone is so strong and at the same time so elastic that it can move teeth without the usual plastic braces, without adjustment screws and without wire springs!

The treatment goal is “preprogrammed”

Because the Elasto-Aligner is individually manufactured, an impression of the jaw and a plaster model must be made from it. The crooked teeth are sawed out on the model and then attached again with wax – but in the desired “ideal” position. 

The jaw model, on which the treatment goal with the rearranged teeth is “preprogrammed” and visible, serves as a working template. The Elasto-Aligner is made according to this.

To the point

Not only do people’s face shapes differ from one another, but also their teeth, their jaws and the position of the temporomandibular joints. Therefore, the individual movement sequences must be precisely determined before an ELASTO device is manufactured. The prerequisite for this is the precise determination of the jaw position and the position of the teeth relative to the skull by measurements with a transfer bow. After this “position determination”, the jaw models are mounted in the articulator. It is a replica of the temporomandibular joint that simulates, i.e. imitates, the individual opening, closing and chewing movements.

Commercial aligner providers are increasingly coming under fire

In the motion of the FDP parliamentary group, it is said that the Bundestag should call on the federal government to

1. take measures together with the responsible self-governing bodies and states so that aligner treatments are no longer offered by commercial companies without full dental support from licensed orthodontists or dentists may be,

the second to review the existing legislation then that they can be enforced quickly and effectively in the interests of patient safety and care in case of need for legal clarity,

the third report to the Bundestag until 31 March 2021 of the measures taken.

The FDP argues that, according to Section 1 of the Dentistry Act (ZHG), dentistry, oral and maxillofacial treatments to protect patients and the quality of care may be the sole responsibility of dentists and orthodontists. As a result, aligner treatments should only be carried out by orthodontists or dentists, since changing the position of the teeth represents an intervention in the stomatognathic system and, in particular, the tooth support apparatus.


“Anomalies in the position of the teeth are defined as a disease in Section 1 (3) of the ZHG,” continues the FDP, “so that the correction of misalignments is a treatment of a disease in the sense of the ZHG.” In this respect, aligner therapy is not a cosmetic, but a dental treatment.

“The dental profession is not a trade; by its nature it is a free profession. It can be exercised alone or in a community, independently or in an employed form. Responsible, independent and non-commercial activity must be guaranteed in all forms of professional activity.

A legal entity under private law, whose corporate purpose is the pursuit of dentistry, it must ensure also that

a) these workers and authorized to independently profession members of other health professions or public occupations is founded in healthcare and operated independently of dentists or dentists with other

b ) The object of the company is the exclusive exercise of medical professional activity,

c) the persons named under a) are professionally active in the company,

d) the activity is carried out free of instructions from non-professional persons,

e) dentists are entitled to the majority of the company shares and voting rights,

f) this is managed by a dentist and legal representation mostly performed by dentists,

g) third parties do not participate in the company’s profits,

h) there is sufficient professional liability insurance for the legal entity under private law and the dentists employed there,

j) the legal entity is domiciled in Germany.

Before the legal entity is entered in the commercial register and in the event of any changes, the articles of association must be submitted to the competent (regional) dental association for an opinion on the existence of the aforementioned requirements. “

complains the group. The business practice of delivering patient impression sets with alginate mass to their home so that they can create an analog jaw model themselves, leads to “self-directed therapy for the patient” with high health and financial risks.


The FDP member of the Bundestag Dr. Wieland Schinnenburg therefore sees an urgent need for legislative action: “Performing aligner treatments without professional dental care is prohibited by law. We must not allow tooth misalignments to be treated without medical expertise, “he explained to the zm and added:” I therefore call on the federal, state and the responsible self-governing bodies in the health care system to strengthen patient safety and to take action here. They must therefore be specially protected in order to avert damage to health and high follow-up costs due to incorrect treatment, Schinnenburg continued.


You decide on a case-by-case basis whether partial tasks can be undertaken by dental specialists under supervision, ”explains the FDP in its application. 


There is movement in the aligner market: At the turn of the year Dentsply Sirona took over the aligner provider Byte. Byte has so far operated in the USA and Australia – and sends out impression sets by post. With the transaction, Dentsply Sirona gains “advantages in the important market for clear aligners and strengthens its ties to dentists and orthodontists,” the company announced.

Dentsply Sirona sees “considerable potential” to further expand the market for clear aligner solutions. To this end, additional patients are to be brought into contact with dentists and orthodontists in order to facilitate their access to “high quality dental care”. Bytes “innovative business model” (Dentsply) is a well-known and – at least in Germany – heavily criticized: Like the German provider PlusDental, the company sends impression sets by post with which customers themselves provide the basis for their cosmetic orthodontic treatment.

With the acquisition, Dentsply Sirona is expanding its activities on the aligner market to include end customer business. Under the name “SureSmile”, the company offers dentists, after uploading patient scans, complete treatment planning and organization, including complex tooth misalignments, including the production of aligners. Customers are forwarded to participating dentists via the web portal of the same name.

The Swiss Straumann Holding AG is pursuing a similar strategy of internal division of the market. The idea: In the future, DrSmile is to offer aligner products for simple solutions, the own brand “ClearCorrect” solutions for medium to complex cases.

According to the statement, DrSmile “welcomes” the proposal from the FDP parliamentary group. “We have long been calling for a clear regulation for the aligner market,” writes the company and emphasizes that patient safety should always be in the foreground. Market competitor PlusDental also supports the application. “We still offer impression sets for at home,” writes the start-up, “but these impressions are also examined by dentists.” There seems to be a consensus: constant support from licensed dentists and orthodontists is essential.

The problem is that the otherwise usual supervision and monitoring by the organs of the self-governing bodies in the case of medical treatment does not take place in the case of commercial providers, since they can only monitor the activities of their members. Conclusion of the FDP: “But if a treatment is carried out by the patients themselves and without the control of orthodontists or dentists, the supervision and monitoring by the organs of the self-governing bodies cannot take place.”

All routines!

Inserting the Elasto-Aligner is very easy, you can’t go wrong with it: the larger recesses show where the front teeth of the upper jaw have to bite into.

Then bite hard once – and all teeth are covered in the plastic silicone. Because for each tooth a recess is provided in the newer desired tooth position. The crooked teeth are guided into these recesses by biting.

Air enough

Sure, you don’t just have to get used to the Elasto-Aligner, maybe in the beginning also to breathing through your nose.

But don’t panic, even with a cold, wide slits ensure that you always get enough air!

Removing the Elasto-Aligner is also very easy: “Open your mouth, … hold it with two fingers, pull – that’s it.

The Byte Aligners and the teeth need care!

Before you use the Byte Aligners, you need to take very careful dental and oral care!

Otherwise the invisible coating on the teeth (plaque) can attack the tooth enamel or inflame the gum line.

Because the silicone device must – in order to be able to move your teeth – closely enclose teeth and the gum line. Unfortunately, this prevents the normal self-cleaning of the teeth by the saliva.

Daily cleaning is also popular for the Elasto-Aligner. Preferably with a hard toothbrush under running water. This is easy because the inner surfaces of the Elasto-Aligner can simply be turned outwards.

12 hours a day!

In order to get the teeth as straight as they were pre-programmed in the “set-up” in the ideal position, this means: 12 hours a day with the Elasto-Aligner must be easy.

This is usually only two to three hours during the day and therefore much less wearing time than with all other orthodontic treatment devices. The Elasto-Aligner should, however , be worn at night while sleeping. Because one thing is clear: the more often you wear the Elasto-Aligner, the sooner you will be successful.

Even if you are one of the late risers , the wearing time must not be neglected during the day . Because also the active biting accelerates – in addition to the effect of the highly elastic material – the success of the treatment.

Control is better …

… and in any case safer than simply estimating 12 hours! So that the wearing time is really possible, it should be checked and written down every day for the first six weeks (i.e. also added up) how many hours the Elasto-Aligner was in use day and night.