Orthodontics – The Origin Behind It
According to the dictionary, the meaning of orthodontics is: dentistry aimed at the development of regular teeth. With knowledge of the classical languages the word orthodontics can be traced back: “ortho” is the Greek word for law and “odontos” is Greek for a tooth. The goal of orthodontics (dental regulation) is to obtain well-functioning and regular teeth that look beautiful and can be kept clean. But that’s only half the story. The official name for an orthodontist is ‘specialist in dentomaxillary orthopaedics’. That name shows that orthodontics is not only concerned with the regulation of teeth, but also with growth and growth modification of the jaws. Below is a number of animations shown what can be achieved by orthodontic treatment

Lack of space for the incisors.
Two small molars had to be removed for the correction
Irregular stance with a large gap between the upper incisors that prevents the canines from breaking through properly
Large overbite due to a recessed lower jaw
Reverse bite of an upper incisor with a shift from the center of the dental arch to the leftWhat is an Orthodontist?
An orthodontist is a dentist who, after studying dentistry, has followed a four-year full-time specialist training at the university to become a specialist in Dento-Maxillary Orthopedics (Orthodontics). Abroad there are also specialist training courses for orthodontists lasting three years after the dental study.
The dental training and the orthodontic specialization therefore last at least 9 years and earlier even 10 years. After being registered in the Specialists Register, the orthodontist no longer works as a dentist, but only deals with orthodontics.
Orthodontic practices are quite different from each other. Some practices are very large and many people work there. But there are also small practices where the orthodontist has one or two employees.
The orthodontic practice mainly treats children.
The treatment process begins with your orthodontist taking molds of your teeth and carefully creating your clear aligners similar to the way an artist creates a masterpiece.
Orthodontics is a recognized specialization in dentistry. Orthodontists are concerned with the position of the teeth and the relationship between the upper jaw and lower jaw. The most well-known form of orthodontics are ‘blocks’ . Besides cubes, there are many other ways to improve the tooth position or influence the jaw relationship and the growth of the jaws. In adulthood, surgery may also be necessary to obtain a beautiful and functional result.
When and why orthodontics?It is often thought that orthodontics is only about aesthetics , about making the row of teeth more beautiful. This is one – and certainly not an unimportant – aspect of orthodontics. Who doesn’t want a beautiful, radiant smile? Yet orthodontics is also about functionality . A ‘wrong bite’ can cause problems at a young and old age. For example, the lower teeth bite the palate and cause wounds or the teeth do not touch each other when trying to put them together (an open bite that prevents you from chewing enough). Also temporomandibular joint problems can be caused by an incorrect or forced bite. Such problems can be solved with the help of orthodontics. In addition, a straight row of teeth is much easier to brush, which will prevent cavities in the long run
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