Highly qualified doctors will carry out: dental treatment of any complexity, aesthetic restoration using anchor and fiberglass pins .

Root canal treatment is carried out in accordance with European quality standards, using machine endodontics and three-dimensional root canal filling using the BeeFill device . The advantage of this method is hermetic obturation of both the main canals and their branches. Re-infection of the sealed canal is almost impossible, because hot gutta-percha, wound in a liquid form, tightly obturates the root canal. The technology of 3D filling with the Beefill system, with preliminary preparation of the root canal by machine endodontics and its antiseptic treatment, allows our doctors to carry out high-quality endodontic dental treatment in Chelyabinsk.
For the detection and treatment of caries at an early stage of development, as well as for endodontic treatment, according to indications, a microscope-oriented practice is used – this is the main trend in the development of modern dentistry, which allows diagnosing and treating caries with high accuracy.
As an alternative to traditional methods of treatment, we use the German ICON technology. This innovative treatment of caries is able to stop its development without anesthesia and preparation, without loss of healthy tooth tissue, simply and painlessly within 15-20 minutes. Only with regular preventive examinations, the doctor will be able to timely identify caries at an early stage of its development and carry out the treatment with the ICON system.
High quality is the main principle in our work, which we strictly adhere to and which we are proud of. The most important thing for us is the health of our patients. That is why we consider the subsequent preventive maintenance of each patient to be an indispensable condition for the successful operation of the clinic.
Our task is not only to provide high-quality modern treatment, but also to prevent the disease in a timely manner.
In the medical and surgical department of Central Dentistry, you will be offered a full range of oral care services:
An individual plan for the prevention of dental diseases is developed for each patient . You will be offered a full range of measures to prevent oral diseases, including hygienic teeth cleaning using Piezon Master and Air Flow devices, restoration of natural teeth color, professional teeth whitening Zoom4 of the latest generation, enamel strengthening and tooth sensitivity reduction with fluoride gels.
At the risk of developing periodontal diseases, the method of plasmolifting is used as part of the complex treatment by specialized doctors, periodontists . For the treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases – Vector therapy.
Experienced specialists will perform splinting of movable teeth.